Track Two



Official Audio & Lyrics




The Making of ‘D W G T L’


Feb. 13th, 2019 - Lucas created a demo for a new pop idea to send to the guys. He built the song around a looping electric piano that he really liked, and just like Fortune Teller a lot of the lyrics and sounds in the final version are already present here.

Feb. 27th, 2019 - We got together with a looping electric drum track to work on the structure of D W G T L. There are no new lyrics at this point, but we did figure out the structure of the bridge and instrumental sections.

Mar. 27th, 2019 - Lucas put a demo together after finishing the rest of the lyrics. It took about 4 months for us to figure out what kind of production we wanted with this song. This is one of our many attempts at finding the right feel for the song.

Apr. 23rd, 2019 - Lucas attempted to completely change the feel of the song again, this time incorporating more electric piano. The chorus feels way too busy, and overall the sound just isn’t what we wanted as a group.

Jun. 11th, 2019 - Finally, after countless days of meeting in Lucas’s home studio and working on this song, we make the demo that we would take to Nashville as our reference in August.

Aug. 14th, 2019 - We had been playing DWGTL live in a higher key than the demo because we felt like it had more energy that way. When we finally went to record the song in Nashville, we made the mistake of choosing to record everything in the higher key, only to realize once we got home that we preferred the original… whoops. The only thing we were able to keep from our recording session in Nashville was the drums. The rest of the song had to be re-recorded in Lucas’s home studio when we got back to Pennsylvania.



What’s That Sound?


This looping electric piano is actually what the entire song was written around. Lucas was looking through samples one day and found it inspiring, so we re-recorded it and tweaked it slightly into what it is now!


Before we added this bell/vocal synth the chorus felt incomplete. We’ve learned through trial and error that synths with a human vocal element have a way of making a track feel more “real” somehow, so we try to incorporate them whenever we can!



Behind the Scenes in Nashville



What do you think of ‘D W G T L’?



Thanks again for checking out our behind the scenes content!

Track Three is next - check it out!

-Lucas, Brad, & Chris



Up Next:


In Case You Missed It: